NumPy Tutorial Python Scientific library

NumPy is very useful Python library which is used for numerical purposes hence the name “NumPy”. We can do complex scientific calculations very easy and in faster way.It is also known as array processing package of python. Setup: We need to install this package before using it.We can install this python package using below command … Read more

 How to install Maven on windows

Maven is a build tool and is used to build a software project. Here are the steps to install Maven on windows:         Download latest version of maven from          Pick binary version for windows e.g          Unzip above binary file to a folder … Read more

Everything you need to know about Git

GIT is a code maintenance repository. Here we will understand what is a Git repository.How many types of repositories are there. Difference between local and remote repository and also we will try to understand what is the default location of default repository?What is the default location of default repository etc. For example 3 developers are … Read more

Everything You need to know about Collections in Java

ArrayList to HashMap in java

ArrayList is a dynamic array.As we discussed in pervious post, ArrayList is slower than arrays but there is no restriction on size.Based on requirement, we can keep growing the elements in the list. HasMap is used for storing Key/Value as elements.But order of the elements is the same as we store the elements in it.Since … Read more

MapStruct – Easy & fast way to map Java beans

import org.mapstruct.Mapper; import org.mapstruct.Mapping; import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers; class Employee { Employee(int id, String name, String email) { = id; this.employeeName = name; = email; } private int id; private String employeeName; private String email; public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { = id; } public String getEmployeeName() { … Read more

Amazon S3 Glacier: What Is It and How to Use It and its Storage Classes

Amazon S3 Glacier S3 provides various storage classes so we need to understand which storage type is suitable for a given situation. Since requirement can be of different types like sometimes we need to frequently access the data or sometimes we data needed is infrequent but need to be accessed without delay. So based on … Read more