Apache Kafka Fundamentals

Before we understand Kafka, lets discuss messaging system. A messaging system allows two applications to communicate withe each other so that dat transfer can be done.Suppose we can have a one to one messaging system between two applications but when number of applications gets increased this direct communication between each application becomes complex to maintain.Therefore … Read more

Machine Learning Models – Generative vs Discriminative

In machine learning, models can be classified in various categories.In this article we will be looking the difference between generative and discriminative models. Generative Models: Under this type of machine learning, model will be trained to generate new data set which is similar to the sample dataset given to train the model.For example if we … Read more

Generative AI – Everything You Need to Know about Generative AI

Before we understand Generative AI, let us touchbase on its evolution.Actually first we need to understand that Generative AI is nothing new but is a subset of artificial intelligence.  We can think artificial intelligence as a superset and Machine Learning & Deep learning are the subsets of AI. Generative AI is even one step down … Read more